Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Days of Glory

Write a 50 + words about the movie "Days of Glory"


  1. "Days of Glory" was a great movie that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. I thought the acting could not have been better and it was nice to see the war viewed from a different perspective. Although the men in the film were mostly under-trained and severely discriminated against, they fought hard and were very courageous. I am glad that the soldiers stood up and addressed that they were being treated unjustly during the tomato incident. Overall, I thought this was a fantastic film showing some insight on how some soldiers from North Africa were treated but more importantly how courageously they fought.

    Abdullah Horne
    Arabic 1001

  2. I think the most intriguing part of "Days of Glory" was the end scene in the cemetery. In many ways, ending the movie in such a way was a very cliche thing of Bouchareb to do--the ending of countless World War II movies or war movies in general. However, I feel the scene really spoke of how the men fought for a country that wasn't even theirs, and yet in death it became theirs. Which really represents that the boundaries that separate countries aren't physical, but mental, and how there is a constant opportunity to disregard those borders and band together.

  3. Days of Glory was an excellent movie. I don't usually watch war movies but this one very good. I loved how it showed the bravery and sense of honor the North Africans showed. It really brings to light (at least to me) how uneducated Americans are about the Africans involvement in wars. It also shows how unequally the Africans were treated even though France is there motherland.
    Elizabeth Gunnels
    Arabic 1001

  4. The movie highlighted the great injustice done to the North African soldiers in the French Army. It was the turn of the tide as the Allies fought back against Germany, trying to reclaim much of France. The North African troops were trained horribly and treated even worse. As they fought in mainland France to take back the country, they were used primarily as the vanguard, testing the enemies firepower before the main element was sent in. The Arab fighters were supposed to be equals with the French, but were never shown the same equality they were promised. I thought that it was a great movie, and I loved the message it put out and the story it told. Ian Walker Arabic 2001

  5. I cried during this movie!! It was so real and sad - thinking that these men fought in a war for a country that would never see them as equals. What I definitely appreciated though, was that there were parallels with this war and American wars that allowed Black soldiers to fight, but still weren't given proper treatment.
    Sarah Keith
    Arabic 2001

  6. I really liked this movie. However, it was really sad how these Arabic people were treated by the French as well as even other North African people. They gave up just as much as everyone else so it really makes me mad that they were treated so much worse. It was definitely a movie worth seeing again.

  7. I found the movie difficult to swallow. The way the Arabs were used was appalling. The racism was very similar to that of United States in the treatment of African Americans. I find it no surprise that the soldiers were not given the recognition that they deserved. The military is famous for promising the world and delivering nothing.

    John D Howard
    Arabic 2001

  8. I enjoyed watching "Days of Glory" because it was interesting to see World War II from a different point of view. As others have pointed out, it was horrible that these soldiers gave everything for people they didn't know and for a country they had never seen. I was shocked to find out that the French government still refuses to give the pensions for the soldiers that fought for them. I was disturbing to see how they were treated when these African soldiers were willing to die for people thousands of miles away.

  9. phantomfan09 is Victoria Crane

  10. I thought that Days of Glory was a great movie. I had seen it prior to the movie night. I have always been interested in histroy, especially that dealing with World War 2. I thought that it was very interesting seeing the war throught that of a unit of Morrocan soldiers. It was very intesting and I really enjoyed it.

    Brennan Patrick
    Arabic 1001

  11. I found Days of glory to be very moving. WWII has always struck a cord with me and to see a film that depicts the devastating situation of that time from the Arabic point of view, it is not something they acknowledge in history classes in America. I think here they tend to block us from very important parts of the past, and to see a film that sheds light on that of Moroccan soldiers fighting in WWII, it was enlightening.

    Samira Murphy
    ARAB 2001
