Friday, June 12, 2015

Morocco Summer 2015: Fourth Week


  1. Alright folks it's almost that time for me to head home and reflect on the next move. Honestly, I seriously enjoyed this whole trip because I got the opportunity to meet different people from all around the world and I got to get front row seats to their culture and hear the do's & dont's. I had the opportunity to take myself away from the group that I came with and make new friends and network. Qalam Wa Lah really taught me that Arabic is challenging but if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything in life. The school also taught me a different look on the Islamic religion from a Christian's point of view. Honestly, I feel that this school did more than teach me Arabic it actually taught me to be more social and embrace other ethnicities because that's how the professional world will be, & going off to meet these different people helped me to express my train of thought in a professional way. I will seriously miss this place from the cooks in the kitchen to the house keeping that happens literally everyday. Each person at the school has made me feel comfortable and loved for such a short amount of time. The hospitality here was simply beautiful they made sure that you felt at home no matter where your from. Also, like stated before the site seeing is worth the long walks , this week Youssef took us to see the Masoleum where Mohammed the Fourth was buried and the architecture in that building was stunning and breath taking. I enjoyed every part of it and the strict looking guards were awesome as well. I'm going to seriously miss the dessert place Oliveri, the crepes were awesome and the ice cream was seriously indescribable. Lastly, the food, at first it hurt my stomach because I wasn't use to it but honestly it was so delicious that I had to keep eating it until my stomach understood that I wasn't giving up, & the freshly squeezed orange juice ! If I could take the whole cuisine with me I would and I seriously would like to thank Georgia Southern Universitg for believing in me and allowing me to experience this amazing trip Id do it again if I could :) I almost forgot about our graduation ceremony where they had drummers play music for us and we danced until our legs fell off they prepared a feast for us and it was incredible, and they gave us our certificates that were handmade and beautiful it seriously made me feel wanted and like an achiever.

  2. Week four was definitely something else for me. This past weekend, as we were in Chefchaouen and Tanger, we participated in the hike to the mosque on the hill and I could not finish. At the STRONG advisement of my lovely director, I went to see a doctor about how I was feeling. It turns out I had an infection in my intestines from something I had eaten. I unfortunately missed out on paintballing and visiting Chellah due to my illness. Despite the illness preventing me from enjoying the last week, I had to finish strong with my finals. I didn't do as well as I had wanted on the written portion of my exam, but I did great on the presentation. To not have known a LICK of Arabic prior to my arrival four weeks ago, I have learned an enormous amount of information and I couldn't be more impressed with myself. The graduation ceremony was also a lot of fun and people really enjoyed it. I left with a really cool henna, so I'm excited to leave with that piece of Morocco with me. I hope to continue my Arabic as I dive back into the wonderful, exciting, strenuous world of Chemistry to finish up my degree and graduate in the Spring. I have met amazing, kind-hearted, and funny individuals on my trip. From impressions to being there for one another, our group has made memories that will last a lifetime. I am so glad I chose to take on this endeavor and step outside my comfort zone. I would definitely do this again in a heartbeat. Maybe soon to another country for another experience... :)

  3. This trip has been absolutely amazing! I'm not ready for it to be over yet though because I'm staying an extra week outside of school to go and see Casablanca in detail. We had our final exams this week, both written and a oral presentation. I did well on the written exam and I think I did well on my presentation. I did my presentation on popular sports and what I think the best sports are. Obviously I'm slightly biased because I play a sport but I thought that the presentation went well for the most part. This trip has forever changed my life. I have met some amazing people, both international and also people from Georgia Southern who I didn't know before. My favorite place was definitely chefchaouen and next time I'm going to the waterfall for sure. I have also learned a lot of Arabic in the short time I've been here. The classes were intense but I loved my teacher and I had a fun time in there. Overall, this trip will forever be remembered as one of the best in my life. Fortunately I have the opportunity to come back next year and I can't wait for that trip as well. It has been an amazing time I really can't emphasize that enough. I can't wait till next year!

  4. In about 12 hours I will be boarding the plane to head home, it’s hard to believe I’ve already been here a month. Sometimes it felt like I had been in Morocco forever but now that we are getting ready to return home I can’t believe it’s already over. Although I miss home and will be happy to be back with my family, I will also miss the friends I’ve made here and all the great adventures and experiences I’ve had in this beautiful country. I’ve tried to do everything this past week so when I look back I won’t have any regrets and because of that I’m very tired so hopefully I will be able to sleep on the flight tomorrow. I think looking back I can say this was a trip of a lifetime, I might find myself back in Morocco in the future and I hope I do but I will never have the chance to come back with all this people or relive the wonderful memories we’ve made together. That is something I will always cherish and remember.
    This past week I got sick which really put a damper on the last week but I was still able to go shopping, tour the city some more and once I started feeling better I was able to try more great food. Graduating from the Qalam Center today was a great feeling as well, we partied and ate and had a lovely time with friends from around the world and even though we may not see them again we will definitely be keeping in touch! I loved my time here and will miss it more than ever when I get home and get over the jetlag in a couple of days, thanks for showing us a great time Morocco!

  5. I could not be happier with the experience I have had in Morocco overall. Everything was amazing and exceeded my greatest expectations. I have met so many great people from around the world and have made such amazing memories. I think us Georgia Southern Students having bonded from all of the bus rides and school and all of the excursions. I am so happy I went to Mawazine and aw Usher with Kelsey as that was an amazing experience. I really enjoyed class with George, Eric, Madison, and Megan. We had a lot of fun and I am happy to say that my Arabic has improved dramatically. I am definitely going to miss the souk. Madison and I went a few days ago and stocked up on daggers and that sort of stuff so hopefully the U.S. Customs doesn't stop us (lol). I really like how cheap everything is but it is still pretty good quality. I think we definitely need an Amoud in Georgia because that place is the best. I am going to miss Keltum (i think that's how it's spelled). I was so grateful for her, but I need to bring her back to the states if possible. So about the turtle situation I found a loving home for Jamal so that's a plus! Also I couldn't thank Si Mohammed enough for my Arabic elephant. That's my favorite thing I am bringing back; I couldn't be happier with it. I am also going to miss how everyone here plays soccer like it is normal. That is so hard to come by in the states. I am currently at upstairs and everyone is cheering for the African Cup and that is just enthusiasm you don't normally find back home with soccer. Although I cannot wait to see my family I am happy to say that I am 100% coming back to morocco. I have made such great friends (especially with some locals) and it would be amazing to see them again as well as study more at Qalam. I am going to miss this place but I think overall it helped me get a level ahead in Arabic and that was my main goal(:
    Kiersten Cox

  6. The fourth week in Morocco was eventful, to say the least. I partied super hard on Monday night and ended up being really sick Tuesday and Wednesday, but that's a story for my close friends! This week was the final exam, and our presentations. I did well at both, but really nailed my presentation, so I'm pretty happy about that. I gotta say... at this point I would definitely consider killing for a nice, juicy pork chop, wrapped in bacon. American food is calling my name, especially pork. There weren't many adventures this week, and I had to say final goodbyes to my new Moroccan friends... well, at least until I come back :). Tomorrow I will be saying goodbye to the last of my Moroccan buddies, one of which I met back in the states last year. It'll be sad, but that's what happens. I'm somewhat depressed thinking of leaving. I'm caught between really wanting to see my girlfriend at home, and trying to avoid thinking about being in an environment wherein my language skills will not be challenged. I love being forced to use different languages. However, before I go home, I get to go to Spain for 5 days!!! So I'm excited about that as well. After that, I suppose I can chill in the US again, but only til I come back. I can't wait. I don't want to leave but I know I have to! Jeremy Busbee, out.

  7. My, oh my has time flown! This past month in Morocco has been somethin', I'll tell ya what.! I've made some great friends who know how to have a good time. I've explored new terrain, a new culture, and a new language. I've learned that complete immersion in a language is the absolute best way to learn. I've learned so much here!
    Our only excursion this past week was to the ancient Roman city of Chella. Te rest of the week was spent preparing for the final and the presentations. I studied a lot on Wednesday for the final exam on Thursday. I did better on the final than I did the midterm, so that was good.! I made a powerpoint presentation Thursday night and practiced my speech to go along with it. Today, at 11:20, I presented and it went relatively well for me! I was most confident in my oral presentation. I did my presentation on my month in Morocco and what I did every week. After all the presentations were over, Qalam wa Lawh threw a party to celebrate the graduation. They brought in a Moroccan band and we danced and Rashida's sister did henna. Overall, I had a great week! It's bittersweet to be leaving Morocco tomorrow, but I imagine I'll be back some day! Thanks to all my classmates and friends for a good time. And thank you Youssef for the direction of such an awesome study abroad program. I know it couldnt have been easy, but you did a great job. Ma'Salama alMaghrib!

  8. The fourth week is finally here and it is bittersweet. I mean I really do want to go home but I would also like to stay a little while longer. Deep down a part of me wishes that we had one more excursion. But I'm glad that I was able to experience the ones that we did have and enjoy the company of the Georgia southern students. And even though I didn’t break out of my shell and talk to everyone at the Qalam wa Lawh, I’m glad I was able to meet the ones I did talk to. I would have to say I’m going to miss going to Amoud every morning with Kelsey and having my lunch prepared for me every day because I know when I’m back in America I’m going to have to pretty much fin for myself. Seems as if time really flew by the last couple of weeks. And even though this week was filled with us preparing for our written and oral final we still found time to hang out. Thursday a few of us traveled to the Mausoleum of Mohammad V. And of course it was beautiful. I can honestly say I love everything here even though it took me a while to notice just how amazing Morocco truly is.

  9. This fourth week in Morocco has been filled with laughter and fun experiences. This week I visited Chellah and saw the beautiful ruins there. It was really amazing to see ruins that pre-date Islamic times. I also got to see the mausoleum of Mohammed V. The artwork and interior design of Mohammed V's burial site was amazing. The architect really paid close attention to design because every inch of the mausoleum was decorated in some shape or fashion from the ceiling to the floor. It was incredibly beautiful.
    This fourth week is a little sad for me though. After spending four weeks with everyone from GSU and Qalam wa Lawh, I really feel like I've made a bond with everyone. Seeing everyone graduate was a little bittersweet because I know my time here with them is going to end soon. I've gotten used to everyone's weird quirks and seeing their faces everyday during breakfast and lunch.

  10. I had a whale of a time in Morocco. I enjoyed all that is chellah. It was quite the site I had fun adventures with my friends and I graduated from the Qalam center. I will miss this country and this city more than I ever thought I would. This week has led me around the country of Morocco to the homes of my friends and their loved ones to the beautiful mosque in Casablanca. I remember when I had no idea what language to add to my major. I am extremely pleased that I chose Arabic. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I will come back to Morocco if I have anything to say about it. I will miss you guys and I will see you in class or around campus. My favorite place in Morocco was by far the mosque in Casablanca. I have never seen a place so magnificent.

    Brandon Alexander

  11. with this last post, this amazing trip and time in Morocco has come to an end. This trip, because of our amazing director and professor Youssef (Uncle Youssef), has been the greatest trip of my life. I have learned so much and experienced so much on this trip. I have truly enjoyed my time here and have fallen in love with this entire Country. I have so many stories, memories, and experiences that I will cherish for the rest of my life because of this trip. It will be good to go home and see everyone, but I honestly do not want to leave. This past week we went to Chella, and I went to Casablanca. It was finals week and I did great on both my exam and my project. I leave on sunday, so I have one more full day in Morocco. I will return, hopefully soon, and I have decided that this is the country In which I want to retire. Until next time, Ma'asalama Morocco. See y'all in Statesboro.
    -Brennan Patrick

  12. I guess my post will be different from most because I'm not leaving for another two weeks. This week was full of study for me, but I guess that's how it goes when you slack off at the beginning and then finals finally arrive.
    I didn't spend all that time studying though, We visited Chellah a place that is difficult to comprehend. Centuries of history all distilled inside a bowl made of stone. from pre-islamic time this settlement has held human civilization. from the Carthaginians to the french, everyone through time has left something there. Other than seeing the excellent ancient ruins, I've spent this week just trying to enjoy myself. sitting in cafes by the beach, walking through the medina, and getting the best orange juice I've ever had. All the little things that make staying in Morocco great, And I still have two weeks to enjoy it even though I can wait to get back home I'm going to live it up now.

    -Eric McLendon

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